Thursday, July 31, 2008

About Pan in the Bag Project


The Pan in Bag / EL Sartén en la Cartera is a project that responses to Georgia’s New Gun Law. One system that is affected by the new law is MARTA (Metro Atlanta Regional Transit Authority). Some users may feel threatened. This is a proposal for people to feel safer by using a Pan in the Bag.

In order to attract more readers, fashion magazines pages were used as the front and the back covers of the book. The fashion magazine’s sheets were selected depending of the color and the women that they feature, most of them were beautiful – “hot”- celebrities and models with purses.

This project was distributed on MARTA: all trains lines, bus chairs, bus schedule stands, news papers boxes, the lobby of the Art Center Towers (a building in front the Art Center Station) as well as the shuttles buses that goes to Atlantic Station. The total of Pan In The Bag activity books that have had distributed is 100.

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